Miquel Calent is a multifaceted and restless cook. He cooks and write about cooking, his passion and the way he understands life. He expresses himself through different ways, both television, books, cookbooks, opinion columns for newspapers or cooking in Cuit and Can Calent, in private events and showcookings to transmit tradition, linking, root, tastes and, mostly, the history of who we are in every tablespoon. 


Miquel Calent has an extensive experience hosting countless sucessful television programs, from talent shows as jury or presenting his own show
Food and nutrition program hosted by Miquel Calent where tradition, nutrition, science and modernity are mixed with curious and useful data about what we eat. 
Competition show to find best cook of Balearic Islands among 300 candidates who reached final phase of this tv program. Effort, overcoming, struggle, entertainment, laughs and some tears for a group of great diners and also jury: best xefs of Balearic islands. Miquel Calent, Andreu Genestra, Santi Taura, Koldo Royo and Tomeu Caldentey among many others
A talk show hosted by journalist Neus Albis who focused on Miquel Calent public character and a visit to his personal friends, direct family and some personal interviews that come from these interviews. A personal portrait of the most cosy and intimate Miquel Calent ever. 
The known IB3 television program hosted by actor Toni Gomila and xef Tomeu Caldentey had a special collaboration of Miquel Calent when talking about post-war era, where he cooked Swiss chard leaves 
A daily cooking program hosted by chef Óscar Martínez with a different cook every day of the week. Together with Marga Coll, Andreu Genestra, Tomey Caldentey and Koldo Royo, Miquel Calent took part of it every Thursday with his point of view and recipes 


Miquel Calent contributes with his opinion in a weekly column in AraBalears. Since 2018 he does the same in Última Hora newspaper. 

Book publications

“Aguiar amb el Cançoner tradicional de Mallorca” (Ed. Lleonard Muntaner) where Miquel Calent -as a co-writter- offers his most nostalgic point of view with new creation dishes. 

Cuina en viu

“Nit de Pecatòrum” a la Casa museu Llorenç Villalonga. Arrel de l’espectacle de l’actor Toni Gomila i l’actriu Catalina Florit “Peccatum” on s’interpreten en clau d’humor les porno-rondalles que surten de la lectura coenta de l’aplec d’Alcover, Miquel Calent oferí un “Sopar de Pecats” que maridava amb l’obra amb plats tan suggerents com “Trempera 2.0”, “Com un peix dins el fonoll”, “Mores que m’enamores” i “Sangassa de cirera”.

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